Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Does Exercise Help the Brain Essay examples - 1735 Words

Lets all go for a run: does exercise really help the brain? Should I go run a marathon, join a yoga class, or head off to the gym? Is it really worth the time and effort? Afterall, sitting down and watching television can seem just as appealing. Why even bother working out? The reasons to work out may be greater than you think. Physical activity can make you feel good, keep you in shape, keep you healthy, but now researchers also are finding biological evidence that exercise benefits specific brain mechanisms. Just as exercise improves muscle tone and function, it may also have similar effects on the brain. Some people have thought that exercise positively affects the brain as well as the body. Preliminary evidence suggests that†¦show more content†¦Studies with animals found that exercise increases brain concentrations of norepinephrine in brain regions involved in the bodys stress response (2). In a recent study, researchers found that adult mice doubled their number of new brain cells in the hippocampus when they had access to running wheels (1). The fact that the adult brain can increase its number of brain cells is amazing. It was once thought that the brain stopped producing new brain cells early in its development and that brainpower dimmed as cells died over the years. But in the past decade, researchers have found evidence that the brain continues to generate new brain cells throughout life, even in humans. Studies indicated that challenging environments, which included a number of components, such as pumped-up learning opportunities, social interactions and physical a ctivities, were key to boosting the growth (1). In another study, scientists found that voluntary physical activity alone was enough to trigger a boost in brain cell proliferation in rats. However, this proliferation was seen in relation to the running wheel. Swimming produced no change in mice and rats. This could be because they had access to a pool for only a brief amount of time per day. The runners had round-the-clock wheel access. Its also possible that the rodents dont enjoy swimming and it causes a stress to their systems that counters any benefit. Researchers believe that rodents enjoyed theShow MoreRelatedExercise On The Brain : How Does Physical Activity Helps Our Brain And Mind? Essay908 Words   |  4 PagesExercise on the Brain was printed in the New York Times, December 29, 2015. This article is based on a few researches that shows that physical activity helps our brain and mind to be healthier. It also states that people who are physically active tend to live longer and age slower. According to three of the studies’ results shown in this article the best our physical condition is and the more we exercise the better our brain works. One of the studies showed that old men’s brains that have a goodRead MoreWe Need Exercise Too Keep The Body System Healthy Essay1404 Words   |  6 PagesMost of the time when exercise is being performed it is perceived that it’s because we need to get healthy, or stay healthy. When the word healthy comes to mind the first instinct is to think of the health of the body, to lose weight, tone the muscles, increase strength. Today there is a big focus on exercise for its many benefits that have been found in recent years. Focuses are on weight, diet, and reducing the risk of disease in the future. This is true, we need exercise too keep the body systemsRead MoreThe Effects Of Physical Exercise On Brain Health1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe Effects of Mental Exercise and Physical Exercise on Brain Health Physical exercise does not only promote physical appearance and the body’s health, it also promotes brain health. The brain is a dynamic organ that replaces and repairs neurons throughout life. When people engage in exercise, rarely do they think about the potential affects it has on their brain. People that work out utilize various amounts of motor skills that have been acquired gradually through practice. Those utilized motorRead MoreImportance Of Exercise : Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Always Exercise757 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of Exercise - Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Always Exercise By Samson Oloruntobi | Submitted On April 10, 2016 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Samson Oloruntobi Life, as theyRead MoreDepression And Exercise : Depression1083 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic that I chose to write about was depression and exercise. I have personal experience with this topic so I have an interest in reading and writing about this topic. This discussion deals with the relationship between exercising and depression. Many people believe that exercising helps with depression and boosts your mood, happiness and overall enjoyment of life. This is important because over 350 million people around the globe suffer from depression, 18 million of those people being in theRead MoreExercise : Exercise And Exercise Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesWe are all aware that exercise helps you physically. A big portion of us are ignorant to the fact that exercise can help you mentally as well. I say ignorant because well all know that exercise is physically helpful, but are unaware that it also helps us in our everyday thinking. Exercise helps us release stress, which helps us be cal m and make wiser decisions without overthinking any situation. Many of us, or if not all of us, have experienced or are experiencing stress of some sort. Instead ofRead MorePhysical Exercise and Cognitive Functioning in Children1691 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of this study is to look at if physical exercise will help the healthy cognitive development in children and adolescence and this paper will illustrate that the same facts are true for children and adolescence, and will stress the importance of exercise for children optimal brain development and growth. The current studies show that physical activity has a positive effect on attention, neuroplasticity and intellectual development in children and adolescence. The studies also seem toRead MoreExercise At The University Of Hawaii Gym1426 Words   |  6 Pagesstructure at around 3:30 to 4:00 pm in the afternoon. As the seconds go by I see the UH student’s expression, movement, mood, and intensity as they exercise. R anging from the basketball court where students are running up and down the court, talking, jumping, shooting, and making eye contact to their teammates. As the students perform resistance exercises (weight lifting), I see various individuals taking deep rhythmic breathes with their chin up, making sure their is back always straight as sweat formsRead MoreBenefits of Making Exercise a Habit in Your Life708 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction Adding exercises into one’s daily routines can empower them and change their whole lifestyle. Many people look at exercise as a way for people who want to lose weight or to become muscular, but there are a great deal of benefits that can be received from exercise that you cant see up front, exercise helps to become more organized, help to live a better and longer life, and increases self esteem and empowers you to take on new challenges. Gaining muscle and losing fat are theRead MoreExercising The Exercise Of Exercise927 Words   |  4 Pagesthink that you could do. When exercising you are working your brain in ways that it is not normal worked. Many people do not understand the importance of exercising and do not get the recommended amount of exercise. According to Centers of Disease Control (CDC), â€Å"80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended exercise.† 323,607,375 million people live in the United States and only 80 percent exercise. As a result in regular exercise, one’s mind, attitude, and how one lives their day to day

Essay On Us Foreign Affairs - 1252 Words

U.S. Foreign Affairs The U.S. should rarely be involved with foreign affairs that are international as well as violent. They should only be involved in specific situations such as when they must save victims in other countries. Such as the Holocaust and when specific United States Soldiers liberated concentration camps and save hundreds of thousands of Jewish People, or when the United States decided to take in refugees from specifically middle eastern countries in war, however the United States needs to mind their business and not get involved with other countries that are somewhat threatening that we could possibly get involved with a war with them such as when the U.S. got involved in WWII which had extremely negative results. The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.† (â€Å"America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group.† Global Research, Sept.2014,www.globalresearch.ca/america-created-al-qaeda-and-the-isis-terror-group/5402881.) While the United States was interfering with other nations it resulted with the States not paying much attention to the Middle East causing a breeding ground for terrorists due to the pre-existential hatred these countries had toward westerners, and directly as a result countries all around the world are experiencing mass murder terrorist attacks such as the 9-11 attacks which is when nineteen members of the Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda perpetrated a devastating, deadly assault on the United States, crashing airplanes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, killing thousands.These attacks were done by the Al-Qaeda which was a major terrorist group comprised of extremists. â€Å"The Al-Qaeda America’s relationship with Al Qaeda has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular Al Qaeda terrorist group in a given region furthers American interests or not, the U.S. State Department either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. Even as American foreign policymakers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy.†Show MoreRelatedU.s. Bush s Administration On Foreign Policy Over The Last Forty Years1717 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will critically review the understanding that G. W. Bush’s administration had of ‘unilateralism’, and it will thereafter argue that this concept was seemingly useful only in the short term, while proving to be unfavourable and hindering in advancing US national interests in the long term. C. Structure (200) Firstly, the essay will look at the general definition of unilateralism and its application to US foreign policy over the last forty years. In defining the term, this essay willRead MoreUs Isolationism 1919-411343 Words   |  6 PagesHow far was US foreign policy completely isolationist between 1919-41? 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National interests that shape foreign policy covers a wide r ange of political, economic, military, ideologicalRead MoreAmerica s Influence On North America1130 Words   |  5 Pages SLO Essay By Levi Newton America has evolved greatly since the late 1800s in its aspects of industrialism, expansionism, progressivism, isolationism, and globalization. The industrial era brought on a rise of big businesses and new opportunities through railroad transportation, and has since then given us a country of strong corporation and an ever expanding possibility of transportation of people and goods, alike. The country fought to expand its property lines, communications, andRead MoreWas the Cold War Truly a Cold War? Essay examples1492 Words   |  6 Pageswhat extent was the Cold War a truly Global War? This essay will examine this idea. It will identify two main areas of argument, focusing on the earlier part of the conflict (1945-1963). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tv Addiction - 822 Words

In her essay, Tv Addiction, Marie Winn compares television addiction to other harmful habits, and tries to convince the reader that heavy television viewing is as harmful as drug and alcohol, and it should not be viewed differently than other serious addictions. In fact, the most important factor that backs up her argument is her simplified definition for the word addiction, which is a tendency to overindulge in some pleasurable activity. (608) However, thinking logically, we could see that Winn`s definition is too broad, and does not provide an efficient explanation for addiction. In order to clarify what a definition`s being too broad might cause, we can consider a more explicit example, for instance, a fallacious definition†¦show more content†¦However, it is an obvious fact that, in real life, people would not refer to heavy use of internet or cell phone as addiction, so at this point, we should determine what a more complete definition of addiction would be like. Acco rding to Cambridge Learner`s Dictionary, the definition of addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice, or to something that is physically habit forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. Hence, we could argue that being hooked on television is not a genuine addiction since it does not destroy people`s health directly, but by weakening their ties to the real world and affecting their psychological states. Regarding its effect that makes people watch more once they start, we should consider that there is a significant difference between the feeling of desire for getting drug or alcohol, and watching television since what makes a drug addict want to continue getting drug is physiologic reasons while television addicts want to watch more because of psychological factors. Also, we should consider the level of severity of dependency when we talk about addiction since one of the criteria of addiction is the severe trauma caused by cessation of the addicted activity, and in the tv addiction example it is not easy to say that a tv addict can have severe trauma if he or she stops watchingShow MoreRelatedTv Addiction876 Words   |  4 PagesThe word â€Å"addiction† is often used loosely and wryly in conversation. People will refer to themselves as â€Å"mystery book addicts† or â€Å"cookie addicts.† E.B. White writes of his annual surge of interest in gardening: â€Å"We are hooked and are making an attempt to kick the habit.† Yet nobody really believes that reading mysteries or ordering seeds by catalogue is serious enough to be compared with addictions to heroin or alcohol. The word â€Å"addiction† is here used jokingly to denote a tendency to overindulgeRead MoreTv Addiction Essays1048 Words   |  5 PagesTV Addiction Marie Winn makes a convincing argument that watching too much television can be considered an addiction. Television has become a way of life for most families. Television viewing is so overwhelmingly prevalent nowadays that living without TV is often considered an extreme deprivation. TVs are everywhere, whether you are in a hospital, auto shop, or in the dentists office, theres always a television by the waiting area. Its a useful tool to help you from the boredom of waitingRead MoreInfluence of Cartoons on Kindergarteners Essay example556 Words   |  3 Pagesfeel more confident; They talk and behave in the same manner as their favorite characters -feel more comfortable and confident[4] Addiction ; Kindergarteners may spend too much time watching cartoons becoming addicted to it Table 1: positive and negative impacts of cartoons on kindergarteners. Potential lesson and principals Health problems and addiction to cartoons arrive from Kindergarteners watching too much cartoons and this can be prevented by limiting the time kindergarteners spendRead MoreTeens Spending Too Much Time On Technology1318 Words   |  6 Pagesor technology time can not only lead to low physical health, but self esteem drops, too which goes hand-in-hand with mental health. Help Guide s article titled Smartphone Addiction talks about â€Å"nomophobia† or otherwise known as Internet Addiction Disorder, which is common in today’s world. It says that internet addiction can cause an increase in loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress ADD, restless sleep, and even a change in one’s personality. Loneliness depression, and anxiety are all developedRead MoreEffects of Daily Media Use on Youth Obesity910 Words   |  4 Pagesamount of time spent on entertainment media in the mediums of TV, videogames, and any computer use. Less than 50% actually have rules and regulati ons on what video games they are allowed to play and what TV shows they can watch. However, I believe that daily media use among children and teens needs to be controlled. If it is not, this could potentially lead to negative ramifications, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, obesity, internet addiction, and negative effects on the brain. For a start, the carpalRead MoreHow Internet Chat Rooms Are Dangerous. During This Day1071 Words   |  5 Pageseveryday tasks, whether it is shopping, calculating number or typing papers. The internet is being used increasingly, it has expanded to the point that you can access not only from computers but from cellular devices such as phones iPods tablets and even TVs making it extremely accessible from any location, although the convenience is great at times it can also be very dangerous at times for people not using it correctly. For children and teens becoming more social via chat rooms, blogs, and other socialRead MoreAlcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay804 Words   |  4 Pages I have never experienced what it would be like to be a part of an AA meeting. The only time I have had seen or heard someone mention meetings for alcoholics has been TV shows and movies, which would portray these meeting as a circle of strangers just deliberating stories of their life and how this diseas e has changed them forever. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect. I felt intimidated and had a sense of nervousness, so I decided I would not go alone and brought a friend. My expectation uponRead MoreUnderstanding Addiction : How Addiction Develops The Brain Essay963 Words   |  4 Pagescortex (â€Å"Understanding Addiction: How Addiction Hijacks the Brain†). In â€Å"Violence in Movies, Music, and Media,† by Jeanne Nagle, dopamine is compared to a shot of a heavy-duty amphetamine (38). The entertainment an individual finds in shooting another person on a TV screen is the same as one who watches a violent movie that interests them as well. As dopamine is released, the brain naturally wants more as it is very addictive by nature (â€Å"Understanding Addiction: How Addiction Hijacks the Brain†). RosnerRead MoreTechnology Has Made Our Lives1684 Words   |  7 Pageswestern movie you saw on TV?   Google it, or you can ask Siri.   Siri knows just about eve rything; from where to find the best pad thai in your area to the time and channel the Jayhawks basketball game will be on.   Technology has made our lives easy and every question we have can be answered within seconds.   So, it comes to no surprise that many people might be addicted to their cell phones. Addicted?   What a strong word.   Technology isn’t a drug.   Ã‚  So, how can it be an addiction?   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   According toRead More Internet Addiction ( Pathological Internet Use ) Essay1313 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Addiction ( Pathological Internet Use ) The Internet has become one of the most universal methods for communication with over 100 million users worldwide. From e-mail to the possibly billions of web pages, there is an infinite amount of information flowing. And another enticing aspect of the Internet, is the opportunity to interact with other people. Chat Rooms and MUD (Multi-User Dimensional) games offer the person the ability to talk and mingle with others online. But with

Persuasive Speech - Original Writing - 1024 Words

Shoved away at the back of the cupboard on the highest shelf I lay there waiting to be unexpectedly found by the wrong person or to be used to make people happy. Either way results in the end of my life. Bundled away where no one can see, Richard is the only one who knows where I am. I play with his thoughts and guilty conscious everyday making him fear every knock at the door. Richard continues to hide me from his wife; all I am to him is a bit of fun and extra income. I wish I had a helpful purpose in life but I am what is known to many as nothing but a â€Å"life destroyer.† The popular opinion towards me is a negative one to say the least. I’m not much to look at plain, white and simple but I have an unimaginably wild effect on people. Mind numbingly magic. I’ve been in this cupboard for about two months now; occasionally I am treated to the sight of daylight, usually on a Thursday night as that’s when Richard parties. His wife is away at work all week and does not return until the Friday night which leaves her to clean up his mess when she comes home. I see the sick and tired look on her face as she walks through the door to the mess that has been left by care free Richard. She’s fed up with his thoughtless actions. I’ve seen her deteriorate over the past few weeks, I don’t know if she’ll put up with it any longer. But then again what do I know; I ruin people’s lives all the time. I’m a useless piece of filth. She was too good for Richard though, everybody seen this exceptShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech - Original Writing1241 Words   |  5 PagesStates Hispanic Leadership Institute, where I changed my perspective of how I was dealing with my situation. I knew after graduating from GDLP, I learned the skills to become a good leader. I met a great speaker who was really inspirational and his speech really helped me create a new mindset in my head. I have experienced being a leader through playing on the Bryan High girls soccer team as a team captain, being a part of groups for class presentations, and being a youth leader in my church. ThisRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing933 Words   |  4 PagesAfter we got everything situated for the strip club, Grip said he had to go take care of some stuff and left. Death looks at me wanna grab some dinner with me? I was starving, so why the hell not. We headed out in separate vehicles towards the pizza parlor, Death walked up to my truck, when I parked, opening my door for me. As we walked towards the building you know you are going to be getting looks because you re with a D.C. member right? I smiled at him, I don t care, I m used to beingRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1132 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å" No my dear,† she said. â€Å" Only you.† I guess that I should be heading to my room now, I have work early tomorrow.† Billy said a little startled. â€Å" Would you like another cup of tea?† she said ignoring that Billy wanted to leave. â€Å" No thankyou, I am going to go to sleep now.† Billy said even more uneasy. Billy went upstairs just a little bit faster than a walk. He found the room that she showed him when he first got there. He recognized the room, and walked in. He then noticed a white sheet of paperRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1489 Words   |  6 PagesI sat down in my own chair, my hands folded in my lap. My legs were crossed and were swaying back and forth below my seat, sort of like a swing wistfully blowing in the wind. So, how do you feel? she asked, concerned. I m okay now, I whispered, looking down at my hands. Did Victor do anything to do when you were with him? No, not at all. I was just worried about being able to see him... he isn t doing well, you see... he... he could... She looked mournful, and tears were at the cornersRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1562 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Have you ever noticed when something goes horribly wrong there is someone offering tea and sympathy?† I was standing in the kitchen; hand on the faucet, when the phone started ringing. A sense of dread passed through me. No one called my house at this hour of the morning before I had coffee and cleared the fog from my mind. Time froze, as I heard my husband say hello, I thought this is going to be a long and bad Monday. I hated Mondays. I heard him say, â€Å"Hello, this better be good† and then thereRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing912 Words   |  4 PagesArguments were usually my aunt’s stronghold, whenever she confronts an opponent she could argue them to shame. There isn’t an argument that she couldn’t win or derail not until she met my father who was equally matched and just as determine to prove a point. I vaguely remember at the age of five when she and her family use to visit us back in New York. Almost every day my father and aunt had some kind of argument. Sometimes it s over pointless little things, the color of the neighborsâ€⠄¢ car or someRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing843 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Frederick Plezno that is your LAST warning!† â€Å"Whatever.† I say with a snicker. Mrs. Smith, the literacy teacher, always checks her phone at 3:45, like clockwork. Probably checking to see if anybody is trying to get ahold of her. Ha, yeah right. Lets try to sneak out. â€Å"Frederick, I know your tricks.† She says with a smile of proudness. â€Å"Has anybody been unfortunate enough today by getting ahold of you?† I already start walking out the door because I know that remark deserves a detention. Sorry, thatRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1477 Words   |  6 Pagessomething. I stool in front of their door room and heard they was talking about the draw was open and somebody took the money. I was shaking, I thought I’m done, my parents was going to kill me if they know that I took that money. Suddenly, my grandpa put his hand on my shoulder a nd opened my parent door room. He said: (4) â€Å"I took that money to pay for gas and electric this month.† He took my breath away, I did not know how he knew that I took the money and he stood up for me. I was so embarrassedRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1523 Words   |  7 PagesHave you ever noticed when something goes horribly wrong there is someone offering tea and sympathy? I was standing in the kitchen; hand on the faucet, when the phone started ringing. A sense of dread passed through me. No one called my house at this hour of the morning before I had coffee and cleared the fog from my mind. Time froze, as I heard my husband say hello, I thought this is going to be a long and bad Monday. I hated Mondays. I heard him say, â€Å"I’ll tell her, one of us will call you backRead MorePersuasive Speech - Original Writing1311 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Beep,Beep, Beep, Beep,† was the sound that played over and over at 6:30 A.M. On September 11th, 2001. I started to toss and turn, finally I realized my alarm was making that obnoxious beeping sound, so I rolled over and hit the snooze button. At that time I realized the time was nearly 6:45 A.M., the bright red numbers pointed directly into my foggy, awakening eyes. As I rolled out of bed my feet hit that same chilled floor as they do each morning. At that time I knew it was time for a shower

Child observation Essay Example For Students

Child observation Essay Running Head: Final Project Final Project/Research Paper Kimberly Introduction to Curriculum/Programs ECED 105 Professor There are many different areas that one must focus on as they are attempting to create a developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children. All of these aspects are equally important to the learning process. Therefore, it is imperative that we as teachers take the process of planning this curriculum very seriously. Not only is it important that we understand the basic guidelines for a lesson plan, we also need to be knowledgeable of the developmental and learning theories as well. These theories will help us to understand the way a child learns mentally and physically. Once we fully understand the concepts of early education we can then take them to the classroom and apply them to our students. Back in the 1900s a woman by the name of Patty Hill created a curriculum for kindergarten students in the United States. She also founded the laboratory school at Columbia University Teachers College; this was the beginning of the use of curriculum in early childhood education. Curriculum was created as an unbiased, cultured, community and parent approved way of teaching. The first national goal was to have every American child ready to start school and learn by the year 2000. Curriculum is a basic guide of implementing cognitive, physical, social, emotional, language and developmental learning skills. When using this method of teaching, the area we are trying to focus on is clear, it is important that all areas receive equal time. If our curriculum is well written out, it will reflect the philosophy and goals of what we are trying to accomplish for that school year. The creation of curriculum was invented so that young children would be able to benefit from it. If you look up the definition of curriculum in Early Education Curriculum, a textbook written by Hilda L. Jackman, it will read; a multileveled process that encompasses what happens in an early education classroom each day The word multileveled is a perfect word to explain developmentally appropriate curriculum. When a teacher puts together a curriculum it is kind of like a balancing act. We have to make the work that the children do challenging yet not to simple. We must push our children to reach for that little extra step in their cognitive thinking. We must try to get them to succeed just a little past their limit, but not too far, so that the goal is still obtainable. On the other hand, the curriculum must not be too easy due to the fact that children will get bored if they are not challenged. This means that the curriculum must be a perfect measure in order for the children to thrive. All children develop their skills on their own time table. So, in a room of three year old children not all of them will be at the same developmental level. As teachers we must be able to create a curriculum that encompasses the entire classroom. This means we have to allow room for flexibility and creativity. We must figure out a way to modify certain programs so that all of our children, even those that dont learn as rapidly, can experience success. Another significant aspect in creating a developmentally appropriate curriculum for a young child is being able to put out the right amount and type of supplies in the childrens learning areas. For instance, putting out paper, glue and scissors for an art project that only requires cutting and pasting would be more productive than bombarding the child with unnecessary supplies such as paint, brushes, string and glitter. Gangster Genre Essay Children can walk easily at about eleven to fourteen months and since she can run then she is average. Once inside Maria grabbed the pegboard, set it down and put the pegs in the pegboard holes. This ability occurs at about eighteen to twenty-four .

Carib Studies Ia free essay sample

To all those such as my peers and respondents to my questionnaire, Merci. Hope to submissively return the favour one day. Introduction Locale: Urban Parish: St. Ann School Code: 06063 Gender: Female School Organization: Whole Day Size: Class III Attendance Rate: 92% Capacity: 1000 Enrolment: 950 Number of Teachers: 41 Pupil/Teacher Ratio: 24:1 Owned by: Anglican Church Socio-Economic Context St. Hilda’s Diocesan High School for girls was established by the Anglican Church in 1906 as a small day school run by the Deaconesses. In 1917, it was named The Diocesan High School for Girls and moved to its present site in 1922. It was given the present name in 1927. St. Hilda’s is located in Browns Town, St. Ann. It is a medium sized boarding school with approximately 950 students, and it has a capacity of 1000. With 41 teachers, the student teacher ratio is 24:1. The school’s average daily attendance is 92 per cent. Students are from mixed socio economic backgrounds drawn from all over the island and include a few who are not Jamaicans. Many parents are unemployed but some are professionals. Some work in the hotel industry, some are farmers. The school motto: Res Severa Verum Gaudium (Hard work brings true joy) is a source of inspiration for staff and students alike and summarizes the school’s general attitude towards its endeavours and accomplishments. St. Hilda’s High school gets valuable support from business and community organizations in the forms of donations and scholarships. Its high academic standard is complemented by a rich cultural heritage which is showcased in its annual Eisteddfod. In 2010, the school was placed fourth in the ‘All Together Sing’ choir competition and came first in Bob Marley’s Song Arrangement Competition. For the latter, the school received a replica of the icon’s guitar. Intervention programmes like ‘Young women of Change’ give support to students with emotional and social needs. Statement of problem What is the extent of racism at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High, Brown’s Town? Aims and objectives Racism is vastly evident at this institution. The completion of this IA will therefore determine: The extent of racism at the institution The influence of racism at the institution The consequences of racism at the institution Literature review Racism is the ideologies of social processes which discriminate against people based solely on the basis of their belonging to different ethnicity. It should be noted that some sociologists such as Parsons, think that people are primarily socialized to be racist. The influencing factors of racism are: parents, siblings, peers, schools, governmental officials, religion, mass media and many others’ (Solomos, 1993, Har alambos and Holborn, 2004). ‘Racial disadvantages are a result of the differences in cultural characteristics that do not coincide with the norms and values of the upper class’ (Smith, N. D adopted from Mustapha, 2009). for integration in the creolization process to take place multi- culturalism and plurality of cultures must be first accepted in order to reduce racial stigmatization (Braithwaite, adopted from Mustapha, 2009). ‘Similarly, functionalists aim for a cultural consensus for a consequential balanced and functional society’ (Kirby,1997 adopted from Haralambas and Holborn, 2004). Marx, however, views racism as a belief system used to legitimize the exploitation of the lower class citizens by the upper class. ‘ Some sociologists even believe that if capitalism had not developed then racial prejudice, in question, would not exist’ (Kirby et. l 1997; Cox, 1970, Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). ‘Interactionists believes that racial con flict was a result of the deficiency in communication about the variation in the self-conceptualization. In society, race and ethnicity are viewed as variable because they are often being discussed’ (Lal, 1998; Kirby, 1997, Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). ‘Racism was used to validate slavery during colonialism’ (Roleff, 1991). ‘In the 19th century, indentured workers were bought to Trinidad to supplant the Africans on the plantations and there was an immediate awareness of the ethnic differences. Hence, social stratification in the plantation society was based on the differences in the race in society. Therefore, race is one of the fundamental factors behind class division in society. ’ (Brereton, 1979 adopted from Reddock and Barrow, 2001). ‘The term race was first used in the 15th century but only grew in importance with the relation to the development of liberalism bought a sense of identity to people, which was intended to bring further improvement of society, along with equality’ (Golberg, Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). Whites in society being superior encouraged racism and racist beliefs in society and the racism led to the limitations in the social life chances of proletariats’ (Golberg, Haralambos and Holborn) ‘Segregation and discrimination in society are also the results of racism’ (Haralambos and Holborn, 20004). ‘Policies can be formulated to enclose equal opportunities and cultural integration such as the Race and Rel ations Acts’ (Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). ‘The Creolization Thesis proposes the governments can promote cultural assimilation and integration in order to have syncretism. A variety of the cultural traits blended together to form a new culture that is satisfactory for all members of society’ (Braithwaite, 1971, Mustapha, 2009). Research Design The term research design may be defined as the scientific data collected. It is from research that theories are derived. Quantitative data was the selected research data since it is general, objective and value free. The statistics of the data gathered can be easily quantified and is used to support the findings of research. Questionnaires were used because they are used for obtaining particular instruments for data collection. The data gathered from the questionnaires would be easily quantified and displayed in various figures and diagrams. The study is based on the degree of the existence of racism at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High. To effectively complete this project, the study was done during the period of November 20th to November 30, 2012. In order to attain data randomly, the sample population was selected by process. Two out of the fifty questionnaires presented were separately distributed to students from each grade level and class with permission from the school principal and form teachers. Sample A sample may be defined as a portion of a large population and it is often used to represent the large population. For this study, random sampling was used. So two out of fifty questionnaires were to distributed 2 students from each class from each grade level, who willingly participated in the study. This would be considered systematic random sampling. It is considered as such because the subject units were chosen in a logical order. The method of sampling is practical because it is time effective when selecting the same from a large population. Data Collection Instrument Questionnaires were used to collect data. The use of questionnaires was both cost effective and time effective. The use of questionnaires assured the maintenance of increased objectivity and the accuracy in the study. The data gathered from the questionnaires can be easily quantified. Questionnaire Gender male female How old are you? To what ethnicity do you belong? African Chinese American Mixed Do you know what racism is? If yes, explain. Do you think racism exists at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High? Please explain the reason for your answer. How prevalent is racism at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High? Great extent not a great extent non-existent Does racism at school affect you? If yes, in what way. Would you consider yourself racist? Would you consider any of your friends as racists? Explain answers for both number 7 and 8. Have you ever been involved in any racist activity? Please account for your answer. Have you ever been a victim of racism? If so, how: Persons provoke you about your ethnicity and religion persons ignore your existence and humanity persons demean your ancestry and heritage other. Please specify. Does anyone at your school instigate racism? If so, who: academic staff peers principal ancillary staff Do you think racism has a negative impact on students? If yes, in what way: causing students to fail academically because of low self-esteem and confidence emotionally scarring students, especially the younger ones, for life If other, specify. What are some of the methods that could be used to eliminate or reduce racism at St. Hilda’s? How do you think the school on a whole can benefit from the reduction or elimination of racism? Presentation of Findings Figure 1: Students affected and not affected by racism Figure 2: Been vs. haven’t been victims of racism. Figure 3: ways students were victims of racism Figure 4: racism is instigated/ not instigated Figure 5: Does racism has or doesn’t have a negative impact on students? Analysis and Discussion of Findings As seen in figure 1, 10% isn’t affected by racism while 90% is. This shows that generally, a large percentage of students are affected by racism at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High. The concept behind this question was to ascertain whether multi- culturalism and plurality of cultures are accepted, in order to reduce racial stigmatization as Braithwaite claimed it must in order for integration and prober flow of communication. Without proper communication students’ learning and interpretation of certain matters will be affected. Figure 2 shows the percentage of students who have been victims of racism at St. Hilda’s Diocesan High. The diagram is based on information received from the related question from the questionnaire. The diagram shows that 80% have been and 20% haven’t. figure 3, displays the percentage and different ways in which students are victimized by racism. Its displays that 10% persons demean their ancestry and heritage, 40%, persons provoke them about their ethnicity and religion and 50%, persons ignore their existence and humanity. Figure 4, 5% said no racism isn’t instigated, while a mighty 95% said it is. When asked how and by who, a large number of students stated that it is instigated by the principal in the way she treats certain students because of either their grades or their light coloured skin. One student notably wrote that she thought about becoming a racist so many times because of the way the principal treated her different from all other students. She notably stated that she is of Chinese ethnicity and is academically well of as she is a prefect at the school. She states that ometimes she thinks she is better than other students academically and when it comes to beauty because of how Mrs Johnson, her principal idolizes her. Also certain things that Mrs Johnson would say instilled some kind of racial feelings inside her. This indeed proves that racism is instigated and goes back to: ‘Racism was used to validate slavery during colonialism’ (Roleff, 1991). ‘In the 19th centu ry, indentured workers were bought to Trinidad to supplant the Africans on the plantations and there was an immediate awareness of the ethnic differences. Hence, social stratification in the plantation society was based on the differences in the race in society. Therefore, race is one of the fundamental factors behind class division in society. ’ (Brereton, 1979 adopted from Reddock and Barrow, 2001). This could cause class division yes because this student might think so highly of herself that she will be-little others as it were in slavery days. Also, racism was instigated by planters to cause division and immediate distinction between owner and slaves. Maybe this is the similar to what Mrs Johnson is doing, separating brighter and prettier students from the rest so the less intelligent or less beautiful one will feel inferior as the slaves did to the whites. All this adds to what is seen in Figure 5. There are 8o% of students who are affected negatively by racism and 20% which aren’t. this incorporates Brerton’s prospective on racial and ethnic discrimination, racism between slaves from other ethnic groups based on stratification. Also with regards to Figure 3, Marx perspective that racism is a belief system used to legitimize the exploitation of the lower class can be applied. Students who say they are affected by racism are those who are may belong to different social classes in social hierarchy or may belong to different ethnic groups than those who are not affected. Certain students who are affected may also be considered less academically accomplished to those who are not. Racism has negative effects on students as shown in Figure 5. This according to Lal, is that interactionists believe that racial conflicts were a result of the deficiency in communication about the variation in self- conceptualization. Conclusion In conclusion, racism impacts negatively on the lives of the young ladies of St. Hilda’s Diocesan High. Racism negatively affects school interaction, and behaviour of these young ladies. However, as Braithwaite indicates, through formulation of policies, the Government can promote cultural assimilation and integration in order to have syncretism. A variety of cultural traits blended together to form a new culture that is satisfactory for all students of the St. Hilda’s Diocesan High School. Bibliography Barrow C and Reddock R, (Eds. ), 2001 Caribbean Sociology: Introductory Recordings. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers Ltd. Haralambos, M and Holborn, M (Eds. ) 2004 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. London: Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. Mustapha, N (Eds) 2009. Sociology for Caribbean Students. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers Ltd. Kerwin, C and Jackson, I, 1996. Sociology for Caribbean Students, Volume 1. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers Ltd. Table of Contents Topic Page Acknowledgement Introduction Statement of problem Literature review Research design Sample Data collection instrument Presentation of findings Analysis and discussion of findings Recommendations Limitations Conclusion Bibliography bRecommendations The researcher would recommend: The government implement some non- racist movement within all schools The government go about implementing ways to encourage students in schools and fire any employee at the school who encourages racism The school’s chairman visit the school more often and see just what is going on there, ask the students their opinions on the matter discussed and go about making changes Students appeal to authorities who might help them on the matter Limitations Within the completion of this project the researcher didn’t have any limitations. All resources were at hand especially at home. The researcher should proudly say that she put these resources to good use. This project was well organized and put together because of this. He researcher hopes all readers and the examiner feels the same.